Tips to Help You Maintain a Healthy Mouth
While many things contribute to a healthy lifestyle, our oral health is often overlooked. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy mouth:
Schedule regular visits with your dentist and your dental hygienist. Pre-booking is encouraged to stay on track.
Brush at least twice per day, especially after each meal. Floss at least once per day. Make this a part of your bedtime routine.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Remember to include all of the food groups.
Have a look at your teeth, gums and the inside of your mouth. Become familiar with your mouth so you will pick up on any changes.
Avoid smoking, oral piercings and recreational drugs
Practice stress reduction. Stress can take a toll on our oral, physical and mental health.
Always inform your oral health practitioner of any herbal remedies and/or prescription drugs you are taking.
Wearing a mouth-guard while playing sports and a night-guard while sleeping offer protection
The inside of your mouth:
Check inside your mouth between visits so you spot anything out of the ordinary. Be sure to report any changes to your dentist.
Warning signs of gum disease can include:
Puffy, red, sore, shiny or sensitive gums
Bleeding when you brush
Bad breath that doesn’t go away
Warning signs of oral cancer can include:
numbness and tingling
open sores that don’t go away with 7 – 10 days
Unexplained bleeding
Lumps or thickening on the bottom or sides of your tongue, cheeks or roof of your mouth.